Donate Now
Goal: $2,000,000
$1,025,899.15 Total Raised
51% Complete

We raised $1,025,899 for Chabad of the Tri - Valley! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.



This campaign is over.
You can still contribute to this campaign.


Now it's Time to Build the Interior

With Phase 1 complete and the exterior facade of the building well under way to its completion, we need your help to finish building a vibrant home in the Tri Valley where the warmth, joy, richness, and love of Judaism come alive for each and each Jew.  

Phase 1 - COMPLETE

Be a Partner in Our Bright Jewish Future

With thanks to Almighty G-d, we have successfully launched the building campaign for the new Chabad Center for Jewish Life.

4 generous families came forward to jumpstart the campaign and bring us to $600,000 and 217 families generously poured their support, enabling us to reach $1,000,000 before January 1, 2023.

Gold Partners

Donors of $10,000+

Zachary Beck & Alina Ostrovsky$50,000
Dr. Alexander & Victoria Reyzelman$22,000
Greendorfer & Castillo Families$18,000
Ariel & Romina Lewkowicz$18,000
The Stoien Family$18,000
Tali Dar And Roni Pollack$18,000
Mike & Karen Regal$18,000
Doreen & Gil Fine$15,000
Justin & Elizabeth Lakhani$15,000
Jungtae, Shoshanah Raya, & Yuri Kim$10,080
Alexander & Irina Rakul$10,000
Dr. Judah & Gail Schorr$10,000
Molly Resnick$10,000
Your Name Here

New Campus Highlights

  • Early Childhood Education Center
  • Holocaust Education Center
  • Kosher Kitchen
  • Facility Outdoor Event Plaza
  • Judaica Shop
  • Synagogue
  • Library
  • Mikva

Building Dedications

Make an everlasting mark in our center with your family’s dedication in honor / memory of a loved one.
Dedications can be paid over 3 years


Thank you to Our Donors

View All Donors

Make a Donation

Your Donation


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Payment Information

You will be taken to PayPal to complete your payment
Pledges can be paid over 3 years | Venmo: @jewishtrivalley | Check: Chabad of the Tri-Valley, 3370 Hopyard Road Pleasanton, CA, 94588

Thank You!

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